Team Members:
Fran Giesbrecht (Coach), Ralph Nespor (Coach), John Peters (Coach), Rod Peters (Coach), John Peters (Manager)
Thor Barkman, Brad Bouchard, Adrian Brown, Dougall Dubinak, Dan Daneault, Matt Funk, Nathan Giesbrecht, 
Rob Giesbrecht, Jamie McCloy, Shannon Nepinak, Tim Nichols, Mike Nigh, Kelly Peters, Nathan Plett, Randal Reimer
Darren Rosenberger, Curtis Rouse, Trevor Salamandra, Mike Skene, Chris Taylor, Darryn Thiesen, Richie Thorvaldson, Barry Zerbin

The 1994 and 1995, Manitoba Alliance won Silver and Gold respectively at the Junior Canadian National Championships. The Gold Medal was the first for a Manitoba team since the inception of the 30 year Junior National Championships. The 1994 roster was comprised of Landmark players who had Bantam Gold as Bantam at Westerns and Midget Silver at Nationals with coaches Bernie Neufeld and John Peters. In 1995 coach Fran Giesbrecht and assistants John and Rod Peters, and Ralph Nespor thought they needed to add players if they hoped to win Gold. And so, in 1995, Jamie McCloy, Mike Skene and Trevor Salamandra along with 8 others joined the 5 remaining Landmark star players including Rob Giesbrecht who had been selected World Junior All-Star in Auckland a year earlier and who had hit tournament leading 3 homers and a .450 batting average at the '95 Nationals. A great roster of players forging a world class team.

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