At 16 in 1969, Smokey started playing fast-pitch fastball with the newly founded Minto Mustangs.  Except for injury and the birth of his oldest daughter, he played every game until the team folded 30 years later in 1999.  In Minto, with a population of 100, he was a stabilizing force for a team whose players 'came and went' and an encouragement for players to return.  He was the 'go to' first basebam whose 'home-run' threat usually had him batting clean up.  He was central on a team that won repeated league and provincial championships - first in the Southwest Fastball League; later, in the Brandon Centennial Major Fastball League.  In the latter, he was chosen league All-Star First Baseman three successive years 1982-84, and in 1984, league batting champion with a .400 average and league MVP. Smokey- a consistently fine player; a class act of a guy. 

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