In 1947 in the small community of Sperling with a population of two hundred, Donald Thom, the high school principal, organized a girls softball team. The team went undefeated winning twenty-one tournament and exhibition games that first year. In 1951 the senior girls high school team lost in the finals at the prestigious Red River Valley tournament at Fargo, N.D. At tournaments in Manitoba they defeated such teams as the St. Boniface Athletics with Bea McKenzie and her sisters playing for St. Boniface as well as Poplar Point with Olive Little pitching for Poplar Point. Then in 1952 after being runners-up in 1951, the Sperling girls won the Red River Valley tournament in Fargo.

Team members:
Donald Thom (Coach), Percy Curdt (Manager)
Joan Nicol (Anderson), Marion Hildebrand (Friesen), 
Jean Jackson (Anderson), Grace Peckover (Bouchard), 
Wilma Skeavington (McLennan), Margaret Skeavington (Dracass)
Melva Skeavington (Bartley), Janet Homick (Wentz), 
Harriet Baleja (Morrison), Laura McLaren, 
Yvonne Rose (McCrimmon), Merle Peckover (Logan), 
Janet Peckover (Cousins), Betty Anderson (Jewell), Marion Kazuk (Iwanoezka), Mona Tjaden (Bilton), Marion Dracass (Mitchell), Doreen Dracass (Waddell), Elleen Curt (Winters) 
Alice Gardner (MacEachern), Doris Reid, Frances Squire (Sutton), Mae Jackson (Ellis), Irene Foster (Barclay), Doris Hansley, 
Olga Uzny, Ethel Arnott

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